The Creative Hub, The Storey Meeting House Lane Lancaster, LA1 1TH

and it’s April already…

7th April 2014 by Morven Macbeth

Castle Theatre Wellingborough April 2014

Castle Theatre Wellingborough April 2014

Where does the time go we ask you? It’s April so soon, In May has been and gone already at The Tramway and TOM in Brighton and my goodness me but if The Life and Times of Mitchell & Kenyon doesn’t open at The Dukes in less than a fortnight. It’s all coming together and it’s all go! You can get tickets and find out more about the show here

We’ve also been doing some R&D as part of The Castle, Wellingborough’s Incubator Programme. Great to (often literally) throw new ideas around a new space, more on this as they develop as well as some very (and we mean very) exciting news soon…

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