The Green Space
A list of resources and ideas to help us tread more lightly.
- Bring your own refillable water bottle and reusable coffee cup
- Bring your own Tupperware, a fork and a spoon from home to take on tour with you
- A resealable bag of washing powder brought from home is a tour essential
- Bring your own refillable bottles of shampoo/conditioner and a dish of soap from home – a great way to reduce plastic waste on the road
- Try using shampoo and deodorant bars and reusable make up pads
- Take a small hand towel from home to use in dressing rooms
- Check the environmental policy of hotels and B&Bs where you’ll be staying
- Go paperless and plastic-free for your travel cards and receipts as much as possible
- Do you really need a paper copy of the script? Worth asking yourself the question!
- Always carry a reusable shopping bag with you
- Locate recycling facilities over the route of the tour
- Prep and bring along your own in-house recycling system
- Look into using ultra-low-emissions touring vehicles
- Support audiences to use public transport
- Check if the suppliers you’re using have sound environmental policies
- Use
- Are you really in a hurry? Consider this when planning travel options
- Take fewer and longer trips when flying (and only flying when necessary)
- Carry your own set of headphones
- If you’re staying in hotels, order from a menu to reduce food-waste from buffets