The Creative Hub, The Storey Meeting House Lane Lancaster, LA1 1TH

Seeing in the Dark

Inspired by the Cinema Memory and the Digital Archive project at Lancaster University

Peer into a cinema from the past and explore how cinema mimics and makes memory in Seeing in the Dark – our brand-new touring digital installation.

Inspired by the Cinema Memory and the Digital Archive project at Lancaster University, this fun, immersive piece sees scale models, original compositions, archive voice and recorded reproductions of heritage films collide to transform a simple box into a mesmerising ‘memory machine’. 

Supported by Lancaster Arts and ACE


Cinema Memory and the Digital Archive (CMDA)

CMDA is about expanding our knowledge and understanding of how audiences relate to and remember the experience of cinemagoing. How is ‘going to the pictures’ remembered? How may these remembered experiences be expressed? In speech? In writing? Through a range of creative practices? What can such expressions tell us about how our memories of ‘going to the pictures’ figure in our daily lives?

Find about more about the archive at Cinema Memory and the Digital Archive

Cinema Memory and the Digital Archive is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and supported by Lancaster University 


Our Cinema Century

Share your own special cinema memories with us with Our Cinema Century, a special extra to Seeing in the Dark created by Lancaster University students.



imitating the dog - Seeing in the Dark from imitating the dog on Vimeo.


  • Written and Directed by Andrew Quick & Pete Brooks
  • Video Design - Simon Wainwright
  • Actors - Morven Macbeth & Matt Prendergast
  • Composer and Sound Designer - James Hamilton
  • Programming and Electronics Designer - Andrew Crofts
  • Model Box Designer and Maker - Matthew Tully
  • Model Box Research and Development - Laura Hopkins
  • Costume Designer - Reggie Doherty


CInema memories from our Seeing in the Dark digital installation

Learning Resources